My Big Rosemont Quilt Festival Purchase


March Quilt Camp

Leading up to Rosemont, the gang went to March quilt camp. During quilt camp, I went over to Accomplish Quilting to to see all the features I must include when purchasing an Innova Long Arm machine, since they are located just around the corner from camp. What a wonderful store, filled with lots of helpful people.

Accomplish Quilting

Rosemont Quilt Festival

Then during Quilt Festival, I captured the moment when I purchased my Innova by getting a picture taken with the gorgeous Accomplish Quilting crew.

long arm quilter

Now to finish preparing the room, all we need to do is paint. Yesterday was a great rainy day, perfect for opening the windows and begin painting.

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  1. How exciting! I know you are anxious to take your creativity to the next level with this awesome machine. Enjoy and thanks for sharing!


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